sweet potatoes — RecipiesBlog — Beyond Bubbie

sweet potatoes

Indian Rolled Sweet Potato with Nuts

March 12, 2013

Author: JDCEntwine



A specialty of the Bene Israel community; recipe courtesy of Rosy Solomon Moses of Mumbai, India. Read more about the JDC in India.


• 1lb sweet potatoes

• 2 tablespoons mashed dates • Almonds, pistachios, and



Boil sweet potatoes with a little salt. When tender, peel and mash potatoes. Add the mashed dates.

Mix and create small balls.

Crush equal parts almonds, pistachios, and cashews together (around 1/2 cup). Roll the balls in crushed nuts and serve.




December 10, 2012

Author: Ronna Dell Valle and Sharon Mason




1 1/2 lb. carrots, peeled and slice thick or use bags of baby carrots

1 (24 oz.) pkg. of pitted prunes

2 yams or sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in large cubes or very thick slices

1/4 cup OJ

1 Tbsp. Parve Margarine

1 cup water

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. cloves


Saute carrots in margarine in covered saucepan for 15 minutes. Add everything else and bring to a boil. Place in a baking dish and bake, covered (use aluminum foil), at 350 degrees, stirring and basting with the liquid until done (carrots & yams are soft and the liquid is “syrupy” in consistency).



Veggie Cholent

March 6, 2014

Author: Batsheva Frankel



I developed this recipe as an alternative to meat cholent- because I stopped eating meat when I started keeping shabbat. It’s yummy and fast!



1 can whole potatoes

1 can cut sweet potatoes

1 brown onion – sliced

1 can garbanzo beans

1 can veggie baked beans

4-6 whole cloves of garlic

1 cup of ketchup

1 cup of BBQ sauce

1 parve kishke (sliced)


Grease sides and bottom of crock pot with olive oil. Cover bottom of crock pot with thin layer of barley. Put all ingredients in crock pot in order listed on Friday before shabbat- it will be ready for shabbat lunch!