side dish — RecipiesBlog — Beyond Bubbie

side dish

Nana’s Carrot Mold

November 15, 2011

Author: Julie Frankel




3 sticks of butter softened

1 cup(s) firmly packed graham cracker crumbs

1/3 cup(s) or as much as is needed to coat inside of mold

1 1/2 Teaspoons

3 Teaspoons

2 Tablespoons

2 Tablespoons

1 tablespoon grated

1 tablespoon grated

1/2 cup(s) 4-6 large carrots

3 1/4 Cup(s)s

1/2 teaspoon

3/4 teaspoon

3/4 teaspoon

1 cooked


Generously butter a large ring mold and sprinkle all over with graham cracker crumbs.

Cream 3 sticks softened butter and add:

1 cup dark brown sugar

3 eggs.

1 1/2 teas. baking soda

3 teas. baking powder

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablesp. orange juice

1 tablesp. of grated rind of lemon

1 tablesp. of grated rind of orange

3 1/2cups grated carrots

3 1/4 flour

1 1/2 teas. salt

3/4 teas. cinnamon

3/4 teas. nutmeg.

Batter will be stiff. Fill mold. Bake in preheated 350 oven for one hour or until it has risen and feels dry.

Take knife around edges and turn upside down to un-mold.

Fill center with cooked, frozen peas.

This can be frozen unbaked and then brought to room temp.




December 10, 2012

Author: Ronna Dell Valle and Sharon Mason




1 1/2 lb. carrots, peeled and slice thick or use bags of baby carrots

1 (24 oz.) pkg. of pitted prunes

2 yams or sweet potatoes, peeled and cut in large cubes or very thick slices

1/4 cup OJ

1 Tbsp. Parve Margarine

1 cup water

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. cloves


Saute carrots in margarine in covered saucepan for 15 minutes. Add everything else and bring to a boil. Place in a baking dish and bake, covered (use aluminum foil), at 350 degrees, stirring and basting with the liquid until done (carrots & yams are soft and the liquid is “syrupy” in consistency).



Mama’s Spinach Kugel

December 28, 2012

Author: Ronna Dell Valle and Sharon Mason



Our father, of blessed memory, loved this Kugel. It was his favorite as he was not a big fan of the more traditional sweet noodle kugels.


8 oz. wide noodles

2 (10 oz.) pkgs. Frozen chopped spinach that has been thawed and squeezed dry

1/2 cup butter or margarine (use some to grease the pan)

1 onion, chopped

3 eggs, lightly beaten

1 cup of sour cream


Cook noodles according to package directions until almost done (very al dente). Mix noodles with spinach. Saute onions until slightly brown in the butter or margarine remaining after you have greased an 8 by 10 or 7 by 11 inch or 2 qt. baking dish. Mix onions with noodles and spinach. Mix eggs and sour cream together and fold into noodle, spinach and onion mixture. Pour into greased pan and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

If Mom had other cooked vegetables (leftovers), like carrots and broccoli, she would chop them and make a mixed vegetable kugel.