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Bubby Ginsberg’s Strudel

February 7, 2013

Author: Shira Ginsberg

The women in my family were always busy in my Bubby’s Kitchen, mixing three cups of wisdom for every two cups of Matzo meal into whatever recipe they were preparing.

And there was always something mouthwatering in the over, the smell of the mandel bread and rugalach alone could make you cry…but to taste – forget about it, heaven on earth..

And then there was my Bubby’s Strudel. Saved for ‘the company’ NOT, for your everyday meal. Bubby’s strudel was served on her finest dishes, table set, and ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS with a glazele tea made from a re-used tea bag sitting in a little dish on the windowsill.. waste not want not.

To eat this strudel is to be back on 103 Nyroy Drive, surrounded by family, love, comfort, and of course, a table filled with ‘company’

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!



4 cups of flour

4 sticks of butter

1 cup sour cream

Mix all together. Knead.

Refrigerate apx. 2 hours

Filling 1 jar strawberry preserves

1/2 cup walnuts chopped

1 cup sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

Combine sugar, nuts cinnamon


Roll 1/4 dough into large circle on slightly floured surface. Spread filling. Sprinkle with nut, sugar and cinnamon.

Fold top and then sides and roll to form log. Place on cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes. Remove, cool, slice, share with some local yentas.