creme fraiche — RecipiesBlog — Beyond Bubbie

creme fraiche

Rosenthal Family Latkes, Smoked Salmon, and Creme Fraiche

May 5, 2014

Author: Mitch Rosenthal


1 skin on center-cut salmon fillet, about 1 ½ pounds

Curing mixture:

1 cup sugar

1 cup sea salt

1 T ground allspice

1 T freshly ground black pepper

1 T ground fennel

1 T ground star anise

Grated zest of one lemon, one lime and one orange

½ fennel bulb, trimmed

Dill Crème Fraiche:

½ cup crème fraiche

½ cup sour cream

1 T chopped fresh dill

1/8 t salt

Grated zest of one lemon


1 yellow onion

1 very large russet potato, about one pound, peeled

1 large egg

1 t salt

Freshly ground pepper

2 T all-purpose flour

¼ t baking powder

Canola oil for frying



Using a sharp knife, cut 10 to 12 evenly spaced small slits in the skin of the salmon. To make the curing mixture, in a bowl, stir together the sugar, salt, all of the spices and all of the citrus zests, mixing well. Using a mandolin or sharp knife, thinly shave the fennel bulb, then add it to the bowl and mix well.

Lay a long sheet of plastic wrap on a sheet pan, and spread half of the curing mixture on the plastic wrap, forming it into a rectangle about the size of the salmon fillet. Place the salmon, skin side down, on top of the mixture. Spread the remaining curing mixture on the flesh side of the salmon, then wrap the salmon tightly in the plastic wrap. Refrigerate the salmon on the tray for 3 days, turning the salmon over once a day. When the salmon is ready, unwrap it, rinse it well, dry it well and then re-wrap it. It will keep in the refrigerator for one week.

Crème Fraiche:

In a small bowl, stir together all of the ingredients, mixing well. Refrigerate until serving.


Place a fine-mesh strainer over a bowl. You will use the strainer to drain the grated onion and potato. Using medium holes on a hand grater, grate the onion and place in the strainer. Then grate the potato and add to the strainer. Be sure to grate the onion first, as the potato will oxidized and discolor quickly. Mix together the grated onion and potato in the strainer, then press down gently to remove excess liquid. Transfer to a bowl.

Add the egg, salt and a few grinds of pepper and stir to mix. When the ingredients are evenly combined, add the flour and baking powder and mix well.

Pour the oil to a depth of about ½ inch into a heavy frying pan (preferably cast iron) and heat to 325 degrees. To form each latke, drop a heaping tablespoon of the potato mixture in the hot oil and fry, turning once, for about 4 to 6 minutes, or until brown and crispy on both sides. Be careful not to crowd the latkes in the pan. When they are ready, using a slotted spoon, transfer to a paper towel. You should have about 18 latkes. To serve, thinly slice the salmon. Place three latkes on each of six plates (or serve on a platter), spoon a dollop of the crème fraiche on each hot latke, then lay a salmon slice on top.